Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday, August 28

John had his weekly benchmarking in PT this morning -- his new accomplishments:
  • He can (mostly) stand up from a seated position;
  • He stood and kept his balance for 2 minutes;
  • He stood and kept his balance for 30 seconds with his feet together;
  • He stood and kept his balance for 10 seconds with his eyes closed.
I went in to have lunch with him, and he was happy to report that he still loves my meatloaf! I also accomplished a first -- I made his lima beans for him (the FIRST time I'd ever cooked them) and he ate all of them :)

Tomorrow, he has his surgical consult, so we should know soon if he needs a second surgery to reinforce the fusion from the first one.


  1. Amazing progress I am so proud of the advancements he has made.

  2. Yes, amazing progress. I want to shout it to the world!!
    Abby, at-a-boy to you too.

  3. WOW!! So happy with your progress John. And I'm with Pat, Abby. Thanks for taking such great care of our brother.

  4. Thanks, Pat, Susan, and Brian -- he's taken such good care fo me for the past 11 years. Now it's my turn!
