Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, August 13

I took Nora to visit John today:

and he made her day by letting her cuddle up with him to watch Curious George.

Therapy went really well today. During his OT session, he learned how to use a fork holder to make eating easier. During PT, he used the special treadmill (with a harness) and did 2 5-minute sessions walking (with the PT's assistance)! And over the weekend, they finally got the sand washed out of his hair.


  1. Great Pic! They both look happy and that allows me to smile. Thanks for the blog Abby. It gives us all a chance to not only see John's progress but a chance to relax our weary hearts and minds.

  2. Great pic, but John's shirt looks a little stretched out in the chest, Abby. :)

  3. Thoughts and prayers from the Rios family. God bless.
