Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 17

Last night, I headed into the hospital for date night, leaving Nora with Nana and Grandpaw. I spent the night with John (and felt like a college kid sneaking into her boyfriend’s dorm ;) …)

Today, I got to go to OT and PT with him. My husband amazes me on a daily basis – he is working so hard! (and now I’m gushing & using exclamation marks and he’ll yell at me!) Piper, his OT, helped him solve a few daily-living issues today. She got there before he had finished getting ready after breakfast and got him set-up for the day. Later, she got him a cup he can pick up and a book board so he can read. She worked his arms and wrists. And she got the correct size wheelchair delivered so he can wheel it himself comfortably. All in all, a very successful day of OT. And as Jen reminded me, “Don’t ever worry about not being ready for an OT appointment – OTs show up to help you show up for life!”

In PT, he did a quarter mile on the treadmill in 3 segments (a 5-minute, a 10-minute, and a 5-minute one); by the last session, he was kicking up a storm and his knees were firing up and bending better than they had yet. He’s been working so hard and it shows – as does God’s mercy.

After his therapy sessions were finished for the day, we went down to the cafeteria for coffee to go with the Polish cookies his roommate gave us. We got a couple of quarters back in change, including the Hawaii quarter – I’ve been looking for that for 4 years and now that I have it, Nora’s collection is complete! A wonderful memento of a lovely day.

The view from the rec room on his floor:

And us on our "date":

Milestones of the day:
This morning, he realized that he can flex his left foot at the ankle again.
When I asked his physiatrist if I should start building a wheelchair ramp for the house, he said not yet...


  1. All wonderful news...from date night to the milestones on the day and the last week. I couldn't be more thrilled, inspired, thankful and proud of the week you both have had.
    Sending my love, encouragement and the famous 'family strength'.

  2. John you look great! Like Pat I am proud, thrilled, inspired and thankful. But I have to say its your determination that is so inspirational. I remember when Patrick passed away and you told me how proud you were of the strength I displayed. I have to tell you that I believe its a family trait we all share, because you have shown that same strength these past few weeks. Abby holds that same trait, she's been so strong and loving. I thank God for her love for you. Sending my love to you, Abby and Nora.

  3. What great milestones. Sounds like you guys are both working hard ! There are so many of us following along and praying for you. I hope you feel surrounded by our strength and love. Del

  4. So happy to hear all the good news! I'm sure John is in good hands with an OT named Piper! Love you guys

  5. Your description of feeling like a college kid shacking up brings a smile to my face. I am so glad that you are close enough to participate so much in John's recovery and therapy. I know having you there has got to be such a great motivator.

    Glad to hear you guys had a great date and AWESOME milestones. John, keep up the the great work, we love you guys.

  6. John, praying for your continued recovery. I thought about you last night watching the Steelers. God grant you strength and love. Let me know if there is anything I (my family and I) can do.

    Rios Family

  7. I have been following your blog, because Sarah sent me the link. Your family is in my prayers. It sounds like John is doing an amazing job!! I feel excited for him. :) Laura Serzega (from the wedding).

    1. Thank you, Laura -- we really appreciate the prayers!
