Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, 2013

Spring has sprung... We sent Nora to school in shorts today (well, really a skort, 'cause the girl's just got to have a skirt on). I wore a sundress to my last day of classes. And I had two important realizations as I left O'Shag for lunch: 1) I did it -- I managed to teach all my classes this year (and even find moments of joy and peace in my classroom) and this year's all over but the examinating and grading; and 2) today marks the 9-month anniversary of John's accident.

 He's been discharged from therapy, as they made all the progress they could there. He has a strict exercise routine that he has to follow to avoid regression of the function he's regained. There are physical limitations that we're all three of us learning to live with, each in our own way. Lots of questions about the future are wide open right now. But we know some definites. He is here with me and Nora, right where he belongs. And when I remember where he was 9 months ago -- paralyzed from the neck down, unable to swallow, and barely breathing on his own, I lose my breath. So tonight, as he eats the dinner I will cook later on and breathes in the fresh spring air, we will pause to thank God for the blessings embedded in the journey of the past 9 months.


  1. Well said, Sissie. You three are a beautiful family and you bring much joy into my world. Enjoy that beautiful spring weather!!!
    John, keep up the dedication to your workouts!!!

  2. My pride and joy in all 3 of you knows no bounds and I thank God for all you have accomplished.
    Love, Mom

  3. Lovely thoughts Abby. Happy Spring!
    Some days I think God must be tired of hearing me thank him for John's recovery so far and asking for a little bit more. But I will keep asking. John has made me believe that miracles do happen but you have to be strong and fight hard for them. John, keep up the great work.

  4. Thanks for the internet-love, Jen, Mom, and Pat! We are grateful beyond words to for all of your support!
