Thursday, September 20, 2012

Field trip

Yesterday, John went on a therapy trip to O'Hare Airport. Thanks to his shiny new hardware between C3 and C5, it's pointless for him to go through the metal detector. So security will be extra fun the next time we're able to fly. For this therapy session, he and 7 other patients got to practice the whole procedure (except for takeoff and landing and the travel to somewhere fun!): they went through security, complete with a "boarding pass":

traveled to a gate, and practiced getting on and off the plane.

Spotted on my way in on Tuesday:

Random notes:
  • Overheard from the kitchen: "So, daddy -- tell me about your day" and "Can I just give you to Ezzie for a minute? Meow, meow, meow. That means I love you, Daddy."

  • John's therapy continues to go well.

  • And today we had another follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon, and John's been cleared to start tapering off use of the neck brace!


  1. Love the overheard in the kitchen.

    I am constantly amazed every time I hear an update on John's progress. I am so glad to hear that they have him out and about in therapy. RIC looks fabulous, but its the the best time of year to be outside after all.

    I am so excited to hear the neck brace is coming off! These steps, both physical and metaphorical, are so huge!

  2. Hi John & Abby,

    I couldn't be prouder of my brother! Your remarkable John and inspiration to us all. I knew had it in you! If I haven't said it lately Abby, thank you for loving my brother.


