Thursday, October 25, 2012

Indian Summer

A gorgeous day today -- high near 80 with a gusty breeze -- and John & I went back to RIC for his first post-discharge check-up with his physiatrist. The appointment went really well: Dr. Chen is very pleased with his progress, and John just has to keep working hard at rehab. We'll go in for his next checkup just before Christmas.

We went back to D4 for lunch, and a second tasting confirmed that they serve the best fish 'n chips we've had outside of Ireland (and they're ND fans -- note the flag in the bottom left window):
 We went back to the 9th floor to say hi to John's therapists -- and, I'll admit it, to show off :) Piper (his OT) wasn't there, but Mike (PT) was, and he noticed all the little changes that we've gotten used to or that came too slowly for us to remark on, like the way he doesn't fall when he sways to adjust his balance when standing. This visit was a great way to remind us of how much John's recovered, since the accident and since he came home.
On the drive back to South Bend, we stopped for coffee (yes, he's got me drinking coffee now! and texting! what is this world coming to???) and John paid -- today was the first time he'd used his credit card since July!
back at D4 for lunch

1 comment:

  1. How fun to show off to the therapists :) Can't wait to see you guys!
